Unfortunately there are bad people in the world, and this is why you needed a Paradox Alarm in the first place.

So what would you do if one of these people was breaking your windows, wielding a crowbar or maybe even a gun, while you sit frightened in your pajamas in your bed?

You need to know that a knight in shining armour is coming to protect you – and this is where our Guard Service comes in.

Guard services are part of our alarm monitoring services. You can choose to have a guard dispatched as part of your standard protocol for alarm activations. Other available responses as part of your activation protocol include contacting you on your mobile phone, and/or calling the police to attend the premises.

What Can a Guard Do to Protect Me?

Our security guards are licensed professionals, trained in effective detainment techniques and built for intimidation. Once a guard is at your home, if they catch an intruder they can make a citizen’s arrest and have the power to force an individual to wait with them for the police to arrive. They can also maintain your personal safety.

Guards are trained in identification of suspects, and are one step removed from the emotion of the situation – meaning that they can effectively identify suspects from line-ups, helping get criminals off the streets to ensure they don’t burgle your home again.